Saturday, June 1, 2013

Background Progress and a Squirrel

Took some time out of key-framing to ink some backgrounds. The final line-work will go to our digi-painter, Evan, for some color! Not too shabby. Probably the most productive Saturday I've had in over a decade. Here's a progress shot of that inking thing I was just telling you about:

I also took a break and solidified diplomatic relations with this baby squirrel:

The peanut wars can finally come to an end.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Main Character Turnarounds

Hey let's show off some turnarounds. I drew these in pre-productions so that the team's animators will have references to animate by. Meet Eli and Rupert! Eli is a humanoid boy and Rupert is a flying cat monster. He's not really a monster but most cat owners would agree. Cats = tiny monsters.


That's Luna. She devours souls and my patience.

FlutterFish has some concept art!

I digitally painted this concept art a few months back as the main concept for the film. This will represent the look and feel for the film. It will also be used in the final poster that will be hung in various places about the school... mostly just my teacher's office.

Publicity, I haz it.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Welcome to Flutterblog

Hello, All!
Welcome to the first post welcoming you to the launch of FlutterFish's brand spankin' new blog! I plan on using this blog to post sketches, concept art, and other progress bits from our upcoming short FlutterFish! "What's FlutterFist?", you ask? Well, first of all, it's FlutterFISH, you illiterate butt! Second of all, it's a short animated film that I (me, Amanda Turnage.. Hi) am directing as part of Red Giant studios in Los Angeles! It's a story about a boy and his flying cat.. and some fish that do things too.
Stick around for more posts! I'm going to go eat my leftover curry even though I told myself I would save it for lunch tomorrow. What time is it? Midnight? Yeah, that's leftover curry time...

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